O ciclo de entrevistas continua esta semana com um convidado de luxo. O Dr. Dilip Abayasekara-ocupa actualmente o cargo de Immediate Past President da Toastmasters Internacional. O dr. Dilip foi muito prestável e concedeu-nos esta entrevista exclusiva para o nosso blog.
Dilip Abayasekara, Ph.D., A.S. é um prelector profissional, trainer, e coach para a comunicação. A sua empresa - Speaker Services Unlimited, ajuda as pessoas a descobrir o seu caminho para o sucesso pessoal. A sua frase favorita é:
“If you want to change the world, don’t wait for the world to change; just look at the old world with new eyes.”
TOASTPT - What is your background in Toastmasters?
Dilip Abayasekara-- I served as the 2005-2006 International President.
My theme was: Find Your Voice. Serve Your World.
I served on the Board as an International Director in 1999-2001. Prior to that I was District 18 Governor (President's Distinguished District). I am currently a member of clubs in 4 districts, but my home district remains District 18. In 1992 and 1993 I was a finalist at the World Championship of Public Speaking. I am also an Accredited speaker 2.
The development of Toastmasters in Europe over the last few years. Toastmasters in Europe have established themselves as outstanding performers.
District 59 has been among the top districts in the world for several years. This is mainly due to excellent leadership and the desire among members to avail themsleves of the great opportunities that the Toastmaster program offers and to spread the word to corporations and individuals about hte world's most cost effective communication and leadership development opportunity.
European Toastmasters also face some daunting challenges considering the vast size of your district - encompassing many countries, languages, cultures, and religions. My hope is that you will build a sufficient density of clubs and membership so that Distritc 59 can divide in to two districts and thus make it easier for the district and World headquarters to suport the clubs and members in the European continent.
TOASTPT - What have You personally gained from Toastmasters?
Dilip Abayasekara- To put it very simply, Toastmasters changed my life. In my previous career I was a scientist. When I joined Toastmasters I discovered that I had an aptitude for public speaking and leadership. Through the Toastmasters programs as well as independent study and coaching, I honed these skills to a very high level.
After I reached the finals of the World Championship of Public Speaking and placed second in 1992, I received a lot of publicity and received many requests to speak to different groups. This led me to launch a business, providing coaching and training. Four years later i left my scientific career to go full time in to enhancing the performance of organizations and individuals by improving their communications, connections, and presentation skills. This has become my joyous livelihood. My family has also enjoyed Toastmasters.
Although my wife, daughter and son are not Toastmasters, they have accompanied me to every Toastmasters International Convention since 1994 and we have made that our family vacation time. As a result, we have been to many different cities in the USA and Canada and look forward to the convention in Sydney, Australia in 2010.
TOASTPT - How can we expand our Toastmaster club base in Portugal?
Dilip Abayasekara- Do the same things that all successful districts have done:
1) Strive for excellence in the clubs you already have -- all club officers receive training. Area Governors and Division Governor receive training. read your manuals. Focus on running excellent educational and fun club programs at every meeting. Serve the members by helping them gain the benefits they wanted when they joined.
2) Outreach -- Be serious about building the membership strength in every club. Every member should be encouraged to bring guests. Most of Those guests will want to join the clun when they see how much fun and education they can receive for a nominal fee.
3) Build New Clubs -- Every Club make a commitment to start one new club reach out to corporations and as well as communities that don't have clubs. Share the benefits of Toastmasters. You will discover the "service" roll our organization plays when you do this because in reaching out to others, you will sponsor and mentor new clubs, complete speechcrafts and youth leadership programs and help more people enjoy the benefits that you have expereinced from Toastmasters. Toastmasters highest award, the DTM, is a recognition of this "service leadership" approach. Truly, it is in giving, that we receive.
TOASTPT - A Message for All Portugese Toastmasters.
Dilip Abayasekara- You have a goldmine in your hands -- the Toastmasters program and its opportunities for personal development. See it as a treasure to be shared. Several years ago when I asked a Toastmaster leader in the Island of Taiwan what drove her to create so many new Toastmasters clubs, she replied, "Dilip, I consider it my patriotic duty to build clubs so that more of my people can benefit from the power of the Toastmasters program!" I urge you to see it in the same light.
I look forward to the day when your beautiful country has its own Toastmasters district. Think of all your fellow citizens you can bless! My very best wishes go to you. Keep up the good work. Viva Portugal! Viva Toastmasters!
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