A Barbara é Formadora, Prelectora e Coach na empresa GetupandSpeak
Presidente do clube Achievers Toastmasters Club.
Governadora de Área H4.
Proprietária, formadora e "Content Developer" na Training Visions.
TOASTPT - Can you give us some words about the development of the Portuguese Toastmasters Clubs over these last 2/3 years?
Barbara - This is a question I cannot answer as I was not involved. João and Mike Monroy will know much more. What I do know is that the Portugese members were very enthusiastic right from the beginning and that you have some VERY committed members.
TOASTPT - What are the Division H Goals for the year?
Barbara - The Division H goals for this year are to strengthen the clubs that have low membership and/or attendance and to support the building of new clubs in Valencia, Alicante and Portugal.
TOASTPT - How can we expand even more TM clubs in Portugal?
Barbara - Keep talking about Toastmasters and the benefits you get out of it. Only the fire in you can light the fire in others!
Articles with photos and radio interviews are great for publicity. I used to send a short article to all local newspaper on at least a bi-weekly basis. The steady drop approach creates awareness and interest locally and eventually nationally.
Try to get invited to radio and tv stations especially when you have an event like the open house you did a couple of months ago or a contest or Christmas party or whatever activities you do outside your regular meetings.
Offer a speechcraft to large corporations or youth leadership program to colleges.
Do a short and fun demo meeting at universities, hotel schools etc.
Get speaking engagements for your best speakers at community meetings and events, at other non profit organizations etc.
There are lots of ways to promote Toastmasters but all of them need enthusiasm to be successful.
TOASTPT - Public Speaking Contests are always great to promote Toastmasters clubs. What are your expectations for this year Championship and the Portuguese participation?
Barbara - Well, the contests are within Toastmaster members and unless the organizers in Madrid advertised it widely there will be little outside audiences.
The Division conference is to meet and get to know each other plus of course to learn more about communication and leadership.
TOASTPT - Leave us a message for the Portuguese Toastmasters.
Barbara - I thank the Portuguese Toastmasters for the warm welcome they gave me during my visit. It is refreshing to see so many young professionals work towards similar goals. Through my work as a seminar speaker I have studied many tools in personal development and Toastmasters is one of the most effective ways to improve ones confidence level and confidence is a vital thing to have as we only go as far in life as our confidence let's us.
The growth and passion in the Portuguese clubs is admirable and I am looking forward to hear about the charter of the 3rd club in Braga. Keep at it!I am sorry that the distance did not allow me to be more often in the clubs and I am very grateful that I had such good cooperation with Joao de Mendonça and Francisco Saraiva and his officers.
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